Laguna Beach Shopping

Laguna Beach isn’t known as a shopping mecha but I think what makes it special is the unique mix of eclectic shops and luxury boutiques. It is a funny, bohemian mix that I think helps it to retains its California beach town charms. I can browse them for hours and just enjoy the company of friends



Gorgeous California Summer

No Place Like Laguna Beach

I have seen lots of beautiful places in my travels. But as they say, there is no place like home. Laguna Beach is my home and where my son goes to school. But even without that connection it is a special place.

Once a quiet little beach community, then the center of the west coast counter culture and now and upscale community for families and businesses. Yes, Laguna Beach has worn lot of different clothes. After days spent in airports, business class hotels and conference rooms, there is nothing like settling in at home and enjoying the light breezes. The beach itself is really great. It is upscale, but has lots of locally owned places with great food and comfortable settings. Laid back but not lazy, it is a lifestyle that I value and am happy to share with my son Cole.

Michelle Gamble Laguna Beach Nightlife
Michelle Gamble Laguna Beach Nightlife


About the author

Michelle Gamble loves Laguna Beach

I am a mom and businessperson and this site is just for fun. If you want to connect with me please check out my professional profiles

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My Accident and Recovery From MRSA

Hospital Acquired Infections Are A Major Problem in US Hospitals.

USA Herald published a story on the topic and highlight my story. The rise of these infections has come with an increase in drug resistant ‘super bugs’ including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). They can cause serious, life threatening conditions. The CDC reports that 1.7M Americans acquire an infection during a hospital visit and approximately 90,000 die every year as a result.

After being struck in a car accident, I acquired an MRSA infection in the hospital. I was told to amputate my foot and my fight to prevent that was one of the biggest challenges of my life. With more of these resisting antibiotics this is an issue that deserves more attention. When faced with a challenge like that I found it valuable to stay positive and focused on the most important things in my life especially my son.


Michelle Gamble and son Cole on a Saturday afternoon

Gamble Family Top Laguna Beach Tips

Michelle & Cole’s favorites in Laguna Beach

Cole & I love our Laguna Beach. There are so many things to love and to share with your kids.

  1. Bike Tour – beautiful weather and amazing scenery make this a great way to cruise the town and see everything great about Laguna Beach. Park your car, rent a bike really experience the city.
  2. The Beach – swimming, surfing or just getting some sun and splitting an ice cream, the sound of the waves always relaxes me after working hard all week.
  3. Golf – Great weather and beautiful courses. Even a quick trip to the range is a great way to unwind.

    Michelle Gamble Laguna Beach Park Busy
    The Gamble family loves long days walking along Laguna Beach
  4. Whale Watching – Captain Dave’s tours also offer underwater viewing. Amazing and the kids will love it!
  5. Pacific Marine Mammal Center – if your kids love animals, zoos or aquariums then they should definitely try this
  6. Great food – the restaurant scene is very competitive. There are no large chains or franchises and we have a high percentage of independently owned restaurants. The coast is 8 miles long and there are reportedly 90 restaurants covering every level of price and formality. Studio at Montage is a Forbes 5-star rated restaurant or you can get casual at Tommy Bahama or Tortilla Republic. Check out BJ’s  or Kitchen in the Canyon.
  7. Events & Festivals – Laguna Beach has a lot of annual and special events and festivals. Most of them are outdoors. We are probably known best for Laguna Art-A-Fair, the Festival of Arts and Sawdust Art Festival but there are great holiday events and special events too.

Laguna Beach Quick History

Laguna Beach is located in Orange County, California on the west coast of the United States. We have a great, mild climate with minimal year round variation in our weather. It is a small town of around 25k residents and was settled in 1887. In 1927 we became a city so Laguna Beach is young in age and, I hope you will see, youthful in outlook.

Laguna Beach has a great upscale feel but retains a bohemian feel. Timothy Leary lived on Gaviota Drive and the town was the epicenter of hippie culture back in my parents’ day.

Laguna Beach can be an upscale destination, a surf town or a hippie getaway depending on what you want.
Michelle Gamble Laguna Beach Has Lots Of Great Shopping From Surfing to Artsy To Upscale.

Three million people visit Laguna Beach each year. Many come for the Pageant of the Masters or the Bluewater Music Festival. We have lot of other events including Art-A-Fair and Kelpfest so you can find something for nearly everyone to do.

My name is Michelle Gamble and my son and I live here. I work in market research and analytics. Laguna Beach offers lot of great outdoor options, a vibrant and unique culture and access to everything Southern California has to offer. If you are considering a visit then I encourage you to make lot of time to see everything Laguna Beach and Orange County has to offer.

Michelle Gamble’s Laguna Beach Guide

I am Michelle Gamble and Laguna Beach is my home. Laguna Beach is a beautiful seaside community in Orange County. Like many Californians, my son Cole and I take advantage of the outdoor beauty and great weather to enjoy many activities.


Laguna Beach is a great place to visit and play in the water, stroll on the beach, shop or eat at any of the many great restaurants. This site is just so I can share my favorite parts of Laguna Beach.